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By Gonzalo Marin

In my opinion, there are two types of how abstract art is appreciated. First, is the one you do not understand but you try to comprehend it. The second occurs when just looking at it, it catches the imagination and grabs hold of you and you feel what is the art represents. We can find beauty in all art forms and expressions. The great art manifests itself to each viewer and each artist differently....

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By Gonzalo Marin

In my opinion, there are two types of how abstract art is appreciated. First, is the one you do not understand but you try to comprehend it. The second occurs when just looking at it, it catches the imagination and grabs hold of you and you feel what is the art represents. We can find beauty in all art forms and expressions. The great art manifests itself to each viewer and each artist differently. Sometimes it cannot be boxed in, explained, or described; otherwise, you can appreciated and feel it.

Personally, many people criticize my work in a hard way just by being different from others. Some people ask me? what is that? or What does that mean? But others, without asking, they understand what my work is manifest. The principal characteristic how to emerge this expression of me is through of a spontaneous, subconscious creation. The objective of my art is to display the abandonment of conventionally structured composition built up out of discrete and segregated elements that replacement by another techniques trying to express a sentiment-whether rage or happiness or any other feeling? it does not have to have meaning or a reason of why it was created.

I wish and believe in my work will continued for a long time; So far,I just know that time will give its just appreciation.

However, one day in high school, as I was searching for books in the library, a book with an interesting name caught my eye: Picasso. I could not resist picking it up and taking a look. I was fascinated by what I saw and could not seem to put the book down. After that, I knew art would be part of my life.

I was born in Leon Guanajuato, Mexico. I had a normal childhood filled with regular childhood activities. I had always dreamed of being a civil engineer. I had studied all the right courses to do just that.
Everyone said that as an artist I would die of hunger. I figured they knew better and decided to put my painting dreams aside. When I turned 19 years old, I decided, against my family\'s advice, to give myself a chance as an artist. I began to study art seriously in a local art school and gallery with the help of an instructor who had studied with a famous Mexican painter by the name of Chavez Morado, in his younger years. His name was Ignacio Cruzes. With his teachings I developed the foundation of the techniques of drawing and painting with oil and water. After a few days of working with Ignacio, he recognized that I had talents and encouraged me to keep on studying against the advice of everyone I knew.
In the next few years I studied the history of the art and emphasis on the minimalism art expression. In 2005 I lived in Barcelona Spain around a year. That year was very important for me and I get lot of knowledge. In 2006 I decide to go to study to Oregon, US. Here I could see that my work expressionist is really appreciated. For that reason, I decide to create more new works, and make this profession more seriously to my life. In 2007 I meet Eduardo Angulo (known political activist in the state of Oregon). Thanks to him I find that the culture and a good education in schools are a priority to the community, and I started to work in these areas.

For the past 8 years I have gone through several phases of discover and internal conflict as I continue developing and implementing my skills in the techniques of abstract art.

Finally, I feel that I am closer to finding my own identity as a artist.

Professional Profile

1998-2000 Gallery Epifanía in León, Guanajuato, México. Studies in fundamentals of color, image, shape, and artist imitation (Monet, Van Gogh, Renoir, Pizarro, Picasso).

2000-2002 Painted landscapes of the Guanajuato region and images of colonial structures. Was invited to present my art in 5 exhibitions throughout Central México; León, Queretaro and Guadalajara.

2005 Trying to find a technique that truly expressed my feelings and style. I painted my first abstract pieces in my spare time that have launched my career.

2006 Moved to Oregon to launch my new career in the U.S.

2007-2008 Collective Shows: Portland Art Center and Red Opera House.

2009 Exhibition at Mission Mill Museum.

2010 Exhibition at the Bush Barn Art Center.

2011 Exhibition at Rountree Gallery.

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